Editing of Geodata Model of Liberec City for Research of Physical Activity in Inhabitants
Mgr. Lukáš Rubín
Research team
Doc. Mgr. Josef Mitáš, Ph.D.; Mgr. Jiří Šmída, Ph.D.; Mgr. Jan Dygrýn; Mgr. Lukáš Jakubec;
Mgr. Michal Vorlíček; Lukáš Gábor; Adam Pátek
Financial support
Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA_ FTK_2014008)
Duration of the project
The main aim of the project is to create geodata model of Liberec city which might be used for international comparative research IPEN.
Specific aims:
1) Update underlying layers of Liberec so it corresponds with the actual state.
2) Create new map layers (residential density, intersection density and land use mix) of Liberec city according to IPEN methods.
3) Determine the walkability index for individual urban districts of Liberec city.
Negative secular trends of physical inactivity are well documented internationally (including the Czech Republic). Research studies outlined that development of suitable neighborhood environments might relieve or even stop decrease these trends. Objective assessment of built environments is in these studies realized using geodata analysis in geographic information systems. Currently, our department has geodata models for cities of Hradec Králové and Olomouc. The main objective of the project is to create geodata model of Liberec city which might be used for international comparative research IPEN. This will require updates of underlying layers according to the current condition and create a new map layers (residential density, intersection density and land use mix) following the IPEN methods. Creation of geodata models for research of physical activity in inhabitants of other major cities will provide more representative data for the Czech Republic.