Use of GPS, Accelerometers and GIS to Identify the Built Environment with Vigorous Physical Activity and Inactivity in Adolescents
Mgr. Jan Dygrýn
Research team
Prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.; Bc. Radka Janyšková; doc. Mgr. Josef Mitáš, Ph.D.; Mgr. Lukáš Rubín; Bc. Andrzej Szymanik
Financial support
Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA: FTK_2013_016)
Duration of the project
The aim of the study is to identify the types of the built environment with a direct influence on the intensity of PA in adolescents using GPS and GIS.
Monitoring of weekly PA will be carried out using accelerometers. The spatial location expressed by different intensities of PA will be recorded by using GPS devices. Data will be processed in the web application PALMS. The main objective of this project is to identify the types of the built environment with a direct influence on the intensity of PA in adolescents using GPS and GIS. We expect to include 80 students in the study, aged 15-18 years. The study will build on the studies of monitoring of PA and the built environment in the Czech Republic and abroad. The results will serve as a recommendation to the communal policy in the field of preventive, health and urban decisions.