Assessment of Physical Fitness in Physical Education: Suggestion and Evaluation of a Diagnostic Lesson
Mgr. Roman Cuberek, Ph.D.
Mgr. Lukáš Rubín
Research team
Bc. Lada Dušková; Bc. Marcela Pospíšilová
Financial support
Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA: FTK_2013_014)
Duration of the project
The aim of study is to suggest a diagnostic PE lesson oriented to assessment of physical fitness in adolescents.
The project is focused on overall development of appropriate conditions and instruments enhancing the feedback information about the state of fitness of adolescent individuals in school environment. In the first phase, the project is aimed to draw up the content and organizational structure of a diagnostic lesson focusing on physical fitness. The second phase aims to verify the feasibility of the suggested lesson when utilized in 45-minute-lasting PE lesson. Content of the diagnostic lesson will be primarily based on strengthening students' role in the process of physical fitness assessment, the complexity of diagnosis of physical fitness, the emphasis on feedback information, time and material compatibility, and compatibility with the internet platform Indares.com. The feasibility will be evaluated in selected primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic in adolescents. The feasibility criteria are the degree of students' involvement in diagnostic process, continuity of the partial procedures within the structure of the diagnostic lesson, the degree of independence of the student to the teacher throughout the diagnosis, students' understanding instructions (provided by the teacher or other sources of information), and the lesson duration (up to 45 minutes). We expect the verification of diagnostic lesson to be held in 10 primary and 10 secondary schools (total 160 hours of physical education lessons).
Questionnaire research: Two no-standardized questioners (one of them aimed to students; the second aimed to PE teachers) will be constructed to collect data for criterion-evaluation of PE lesson oriented to fitness assessment. They will be distributed before and filled immediately after the PE lesson.
Observation: Frequency of specific phenomenon (based on defined criterions) will be recorded in the course of PE lesson. We will focus mostly on behavior of students, a continuity of assessment process, a quality of teacher’s instructions understanding by students etc.