Analysis of Health-Related Benefits of Walking: Assessment of Walking Intervention in Sedentary Adults
Mgr. Roman Cuberek, Ph.D.
Research team
Mgr. Aleš Gába, Ph.D.; prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.; Mgr. František Chmelík, Ph.D.; doc. PaedDr. Michal Lehnert, Ph.D.; Mgr. Iva Machová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Michal Šafář, Ph.D.
Financial support
Czech Science Foundation (č. 13-32105S)
Duration of the project
The objective of the project is to gain knowledge about the possible benefits of walking as a means of active transportation and to assess its importance in the context of quality of life in late adult-hood.
Main aims:
- to assess the influence of specific walking interventions on the parameters of balance, strength and reaction time as the basic determinants of risk of falling, fear of falling and ptophobia in old age;
- to describe the effect of specific walking interventions on changes in the ratio of muscle and fat components as the factors influencing the individual’s health, quality of life and self-sufficiency;
- to describe the effects of walking interventions on life satisfaction of individuals;
- to assess the effectiveness of interventions (comprehensive design) in the context of PA promotion.
Target group: Population of the Czech Republic; females; adults (>50 years); employed; individuals with a sedentary employment.
Study design: The study design corresponds to a parallel group randomized controlled trial, as specified in the MRC guidelines for designing complex intervention. The intervention to be evaluated involves a physical activity program, which will be entered by all research participants (intervention and control groups). The total length of the physical activity program will be 48 weeks, wherein the first 24 weeks will be the intervention phase (the program will be performed by the intervention group). In the subsequent phase (week 25 to 48), the physical activity program will be joined by the subjects in the control group.
Applied methods:
1) Questionnaire research - International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) will be used to describe (quantity, intensity, type, frequency) the PA and PI. The Indares.com on-line system will be used for administration of the IPAQ questionnaire. Czech version of the standardized questionnaire Fragebogen zur Lebenszufriedenheit (FLZ) will be used to assess life satisfaction.
2) Recording the amount of physical activity. The amount of PA will be monitored using the Yamax Digi-walker SW700 pedometer according to standard methods of the manufacturer. The amount of PA shall be measured by the pedometer and recorded simultaneously into the Indares.com on-line system.
3) Diagnostics of reaction time. The multi-choice reaction time will be assessed using FiTRO Reaction Check device.
4) Balance diagnostics. Level of the balance will be assessed using FiTRO Sway Check device.
5) Strength diagnostics. It will be focused on the strength of lower extremities using the IsoMed 2000 device at four angular velocity of the lower limb segment.
6) Diagnosis of the body composition. Body fat mass (BFM; kg), fat-free mass (FFM, kg) and visceral fat area (VFA; cm2) will be diagnosed using the multifrequency device InBody 720.