Self-assessment of health-related fitness: Reliability assessment of four fitness tests
Mgr. Roman Cuberek, Ph.D.
Mgr. Martin Nosek
Pregradual students
Bc. Petr Ždímal
Financial support
Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA: FTK_2012_021)
Duration of the project
The aim of this project is to identify reliability of selected motor tests (Squot Wall Test (males and females), Walk Test 2 km (males and females), Push-Ups (females only), Sit-Ups (females only)).
The project focuses on issues associated with the development of an instrument for diagnosis of human motor skills – the instrument of self-assessment of physical fitness implemented into the Internet. It was necessary to modify some of the tests included in the test system Indares.com to meet the requirements for self-assessment (equipment and space undemanding; the possibility of testing without the participation of another person; minimize a skill and knowledge basis of testing). Even though these tests are originally standardized, some quality (reliability and validity) of the tests could be changed. The project therefore aims to assess the reliability and the sources of wrong measurement in four fitness tests: Squat by the wall test (males and females), 2km walk test (males and females), Push-Ups (females), and Sit-Ups (females) and eventually sets a suggestion for correct form of the tests in order to eliminate the source of measurement errors. The tests’ reliability will be verified in a population of university students (males and females separately). The research methods will be survey and testing itself. The sample size is expected in the range 130-150 persons.