Active transport of 15 -16 years old pupils connected with the school attendance
Mgr. Petra Nováková Lokvencová
prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.
Mgr. František Chmelík, Ph.D.
Mgr. Jan Dygrýn
Pregradual students
Bc. Petra Hromádková, Bc. Pavel Hennrich, Bc. Lukáš Jakubec
Financial support
Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA: FTK_2011_017)
Duratio of the project
The main objective of this research is to gain objective information on active transportation to and from school in the context of total daily PA of 15 to 16 years old students. Further to characterize the AT to and from school in terms of total PA levels, to analyze the differences in AT levels between girls and boys, to contribute to the detection of the correlates of AT in 15 to 16 years old students and to develop a software module for the INDARES system that would enable the analysis of the routes and forms of transport to school on the map background. The project will use online questionnaires contained in the INDARES system to obtain additional data characterizing the level of habitual PA. As a part of the project, a new module of the INDARES system will be developed. The study should bring new facts to the experts, school leaders, teachers and the general public, thus contributing to the use and promotion of active forms of transportation not only in children and youth.
Research will be conducted at 8 schools. The research group will consist of 400 pupils (15-16 years old). The schools will be selected intentionally based on the place where the collaborating students undergo their teaching practice. Physical activity will be monitored with the help of the pedometer (week long), with an emphasis on AT to and from school. During the one week of monitoring with the use of pedometer there will be a 3 day monitoring of PA (including 1 weekend day) using the ActiTrainer device. The participants will record additional information on their AT (mean, duration), the arrival and departure from school, time and type of PA and PI into a record protocol. INDARES system will be used to provide the participants with immediate tailored feedback. The research will build on previous research FTK_2010_021 - School of healthy and physically active lifestyle of 15 to 16 years old students - and on numerous other research projects of the Center for Kinanthropology Research. The results should help to clarify the relationship between AT and total daily PA levels at school and weekend days. At the same time it should reveal the most significant correlates of AT in adolescents.