Physical activity and inactivity of inhabitants of the Czech Republicin the context of behavioral changes
prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.
Research team
Doc. Mgr. Josef Mitáš, Ph.D.
Prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.
Financial suport
Ministry of education, youth and sport, Czech Republic (No. MSM 6198959221)
Duration of the project
Main aim of the research grant is to analyse situation, character, structure and development trends in PA and PI of inhabitatnts of the Czech Republic and provide materials for creation strategy of state health, social and school policy. We want to solve the problem of PA and PI systematically (orientation on main factors and their mutual interactions), with multilevel focus (nationwide, regional, intitutional etc.) and comprehensively (mainly from health, educational, motor, psycho-social, philosophical-cultural, socio-economical, environmental and demographical aspects) within international context. Results of PA and PI analysis we will use for verification of models, procedures and programs that create precondition for reaching positive behavioral changes in PA and PI and positive changes in Czech population lifestyle.
The long term objective of the research grant is systematically improve scientific, personal as well as material conditon for complex research of PA and PI within international dimensions. Enlargement of scientific capacity allows application of research results more effectively into social, school and civic practice, and into improving professional preparation at universities and into health prevention.