Interventional program focused on physical activity and nutrition by students of University of third age
Mgr. Lucie Engelová
prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.
Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D.
Bc. Pavla Šalplachtová, DiS.
MUDr. Iva Tomášková
Mgr. Aleš Gába
Mgr. Martin Nosek
Mgr. Petra Lokvencová
Financial support
Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA: FTK_2010_020)
Duration of the project
The main aim of the project is to analyse the influence of interventional program on physical activity, nutrition, healthy lifestyle and selected health (somatic and physiologic) variables in older adults attending the University of third age. The further aim is to standardize the RAPA questionnaire (Rapid assessment of physical activity) and thus to enhance the methodology of Center for Kinanthropology Research.
60 students of University of third age from the Center of sports activities, VUT in Brno will participate in the study. The study will be focus on intervention in the field of physical activity and nutrition habits in selected group of older adults. Intervention program will last three-month and after the following three months period its impact on somatic and physiologic variables will be verified. By the end of the study, semistructural interviews with the participants will be accomplished. While collecting the somatometrical data, we will co-operate with researches form the Department of functional antropology and physiology at FTK, UP in Olomouc. Bicycle ergometry and laboratory blood taking for gaining of values of glycemia and lipid set will be realized in co-operation with Internal cardiological clinic, FN in Brno. The intervention part focused on nutrition is guaranteed by trained lectors in Center of sports activities, at VUT in Brno.