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Palacký University

A school for Healthy and Physically Active Lifestyle in 15-16 years old pupils


Mgr. Petra Lokvencová
prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.
Mgr. František Chmelík, Ph.D.
Dr. Dorota Groffik (Academy of Physical Education, Katowice)

Pregradual students

Bc. Martina Buiglová, Bc. Zuzana Jašková, Bc. Lenka Pytelová, Bc. Jakub Staniek

Financial support

Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA: FTK_2010_021)

Duration of the project



The major aim of the study is to analyze the role of school and school regime in the association to the total amount of daily PA in 15-16 year-old students. Further aims are to: a) characterize PA during breaks at school and in PE lessons, b) to identify the role of breaks and PE lessons in the association to PA level in school regime, c) to analyze differences between PA levels of boys and girls, and d) to compare PA levels between school days and weekends. Using the INDARES system that involves online questionnaires, we will obtain data describing habitual PA levels (the IPAQ questionnaire - long Czech version), motivation to PA (the MPAM-R-questionnaire) and sports preferences in pupils (the Sports Preferences Questionnaire)


The study will be carried out at eight schools. The sample will consist of 400 subjects (two classes at each school) in the age category of 15-16 years. On purpose, the schools to be involved in the study are those where students of PE master degree programs are placed for their teaching practice.
One week monitoring of PA will be carried out with the use of pedometers and record sheets in which the pupils will record numbers of steps during the days. Within the one week monitoring there will be three days (including one weekend day) of PA monitoring with the use of ActiTrainer device. Also, in this case the pupils will record additional information in their record sheets - times of putting on and putting off the device, times of arriving at school (home, training) and leaving school (home, training), times and duration of transports and also information on type of PA and physical inactivity (PI). The data from the ActiTrainer device will be processed in specially developed software "ActiTrainer09" that enables an analysis of school related and out-of-school PA. Internet system INDARES will be used simultaneously to measure PA and it will provide the pupils with immediate tailored feedback.



Last update: 24. 01. 2014, Lukáš Jakubec