Study of the Lifestyle and Physical Activity in Selected Families in the Regions of the Czech Republic
doc. Mgr. Josef Mitáš, Ph.D.
Prof. PhDr. Karel Frömel, DrSc.
Responsibility in the Regions
Doc. PaedDr. Ladislav Bláha, Ph.D.; Mgr. Dana Feltlová, Ph.D.; Mgr. Igor Fojtík, Ph.D.; doc. Mgr. Jiří Nykodým, Ph.D.; Mgr. Oldřich Racek; doc. PaedDr. Emil Řepka, CSc.; doc. PaedDr. Aleš Suchomel, Ph.D.; Mgr. Petr Valach, Ph.D.
Financial support
Palacky University, Internal university grant (IGA: FTK_2012_013)
Duration of the project
To obtain primary information on physical activity and the environment of the population of the Czech Republic (aged 20–65) using a questionnaire and a pedometer. To investigate objective data about weekly physical activity pedometers were used and questionnaires were used to observe neighborhood environment of the selected inhabitants. The results are to be used to improve disease prevention and the quality of life in the population. The main background for the study is the decreasing health and changes in the lifestyle of current society. The project serve as a follow up study of the Czech part of the „IPEN: International study of built environment, physical activity and obesity“ (NIH, USA) project.
Research methods: pedometers YAMAX, questionnaires ANEWS + IPAQ-long. The Czech version of the ANEWS questionnaire aimed for the nationwide collection of data is applied. The research will be carried out as an experimental study in the regions across the Czech Republic. We will address at least 250 families in each region. We expect to receive 1200 ANEWS questionnaires and 3000 completed IPAQ questionnaires and 1200 pedometer record sheets. The data collection will be based on random sampling of apartments and houses of distributors’ acquaintances. Distributors are students from universities in each region town and responsible researchers from the CfKR. The participants will be people who agree with the requirements and whose age is within the preferred age category (15 – 69 for IPAQ and 20 – 65 for ANEWS; 15-69 for pedometer). If possible both partners (parents) are to complete the ANEWS questionnaire. After the week long monitoring of physical activity, we offer the reset of the household respondents the possibility to measure their physical activity too. All respondents have the right to use a free access to the on-line system INDARES to record, analyze and compare the physical activity data. Locations are selected depending on the dominant type of housing and the distributors visit households in certain type of the neighborhood (Satellites or peripheral part – commuting zone of the city; Prefabricated block of flats; Historical core city center buildings; Newly built block of flats).