Doctoral study
Palacký University Olomouc announces the competition for the J. L. Fischer Grant for the academic year 2017/18
This grant is designated for 18 future students on doctoral study programmes in foreign languages at seven faculties of Palacký University, at an annual amount of € 3 – 11 000 in order to cover the costs in connection with studying. You may apply in electronic form at the individual faculties in the period from 1 March to 31 May 2017.
The Faculty of Physical Culture announces a J. L. Fischer grant for one best future student on the doctoral study programme: Kinanthropology.
The grant is designated to cover the costs in connection with studying.
More information is available at: https://admission.upol.cz/ after choosing Faculty of Physical Culture and Doctoral form of study.
Deadline for submission of study applications and requests for provision of grant: 31 May 2017.
Basic information about Doctoral Study Programme
The Doctoral Study Programme focuses on scientific research and autonomous creative work in the field of research.
The study regimen in the doctoral study programme is in accordance with an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor.
The study properly ends in a state doctoral examination along with the defence of a doctoral thesis duly certifying the ability and readiness of the candidate for independent work in research. The doctoral thesis must contain original and published results or results accepted for publishing.
Graduates of these doctoral study programmes are awarded the academic title of “doctor of Philosophy” (abbreviation “Ph.D” affixed to the name of the recipient).
At the Faculty of Physical Culture the doctoral study programme is conducted in, (in addition to others), kinanthropology. According to the orientation of the individual applicant the mentioned branch is divided into the following areas of specialisations:
· Anthropomotorics
· Adapted Physical Activities
· Biomechanics
· Didactics of Physical Education and Sport
· Philosophy and Sociology of Physical Culture
· Exercise Physiology
· Functional Anthropology
· Exercise and Sport Psychology
· Recreology
· Senzomotorics and Pathokinesiology
The form of study is either regular attendance or combined.
The standard length of study for both forms is 4 years in due compliance with §47 Article 2 of law no. 111/1998, about universities.
The entrance examination for study in DSP follows §48 and §49 of law no. 111/1998, regarding universities, and further, conforms to the internal norms of Palacky University (Study and examination code UP, Olomouc - part III.).
Acceptance for DSP study is dependent on an entrance examination. An important part of the entrance examination is the test of English language ability. In exceptional cases the required level of English language knowledge can be compensated for by a proof of sound knowledge of some one of the world languages; a document to this effect must be in official form (a certificate of state examination, a foreign certificate, etc.).
Prior to the entrance examination the prospective doctoral student is obliged to contact some of the supervisors and to duly consult on the possibility of acceptance in addition to a preliminary specification of the topic(s) of the doctoral thesis. Please note that the capacity of the supervisors is limited and without prior agreement of the supervisor acceptance to DSP is not possible.
The content of DSP study is determined by the individual study plan that is authorized by the DSP departmental commission pursuant to the supervisor’s proposal. The study content encompasses:
· methodology of science,
· scientific disciplines pertaining to the topic of the doctoral thesis,
· research under a supervisor’s guidance and its culmination in a doctoral thesis,
Supervisors appointed by the Dean of the faculty determine the thematic orientation of the doctoral thesis.
Additionally, a student must pass the examination in the English language during the course of the study programme.
Entrance examination
Basic information
- Knowledge of English language (reading and translation of a scientific text). Should you have a certificate of state examination or other pertinent document, please enclose it along with the application.
- A professional reference from two persons who are eligible to pass judgement on the applicant’s previous scientific and skills activities (a proposal for elaboration of the reference is given in the supplement).
- Name of a professional with whom the candidate dealt in the capacity of a relevant supervisor.
- In the event that the applicant has contributed to or published in scientific journals he/she then is required to furnish a written list of professional lectures and published scientific papers, and, if applicable also reviews of these papers.
- For the entrance examination it is assumed that the candidate possesses a comprehensive view of and basic orientation to issues pertaining to biological, motoric, physical and pedagogical-psychological problems of movement.
Proposal for Elaboration of Reference
- How long have you known the applicant and in what professional capacity?
- To what degree is the applicant successful in comparison with other students, colleagues, classmates and so on?
- Characterise the applicant from the perspective of assumed scientific work ability, creativity, language skills, and preconditions for publications and so on.
- Mention general abilities of the applicant pertaining to study and other features of the person inclusive of all merits and demerits.
- The applicant has excellent – very good – good – qualification for doctoral study at the Faculty of Physical Culture in Olomouc.