Palacký University Olomouc announces the competition for the J. L. Fischer Grant for the academic year 2017/18
This grant is designated for 18 future students on doctoral study programmes in foreign languages at seven faculties of Palacký University, at an annual amount of € 3 – 11 000 in order to cover the costs in connection with studying. You may apply in electronic form at the individual faculties in the period from 1 March to 31 May 2017.
The Faculty of Physical Culture announces a J. L. Fischer grant for one best future student on the doctoral study programme: Kinanthropology.
The grant is designated to cover the costs in connection with studying.
More information is available at: https://admission.upol.cz/ after choosing Faculty of Physical Culture and Doctoral form of study.
Deadline for submission of study applications and requests for provision of grant: 31 May 2017.
The Faculty of Physical Culture at Palacký University is one of the two youngest faculties of this ancient university. Over the past fifteen years of its existence, a new campus of the faculty – schoolrooms, halls of residence, catering centre – has grown on the outskirts of Olomouc. From the town center is only a few tram stops away. The students number more than two thousand, in full-time and part-time studies, training studies, licenced programmes, and lifelong study programmes.
The students of the Faculty of Physical Culture are no longer only the “P.E. teachers” – the educational programmes are not restricted to Teacher Training in P.E. The other pillars of the Faculty programmes are Physiotherapy, Adapted Physical Education, Physical Education and Sports, Civil Protection, Leisure and Outdoor Studies, and Sports Management and Trainership. The Bachelor programme is a three-year study and in most subjects it can proceed further with the two-year Master programme. Doctoral Studies are possible in Kinanthropology, both in the full-time and part-time form. Another programme, Physical Education, is available for handicapped students who meet the requirement of sporting mobility. This highly valued field is based on one of the principal ideas of physical culture – conceiving motor activities and physical education as a means of socialization, a means of maintaining balance between the subjective feeling of physical and mental health.