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Fakulta tělesné kultury UP
03.11.2016, 14:34, Stáří: 7 r.


Autor: -sb-

The 2016 VSPS Annual Program „Perceptions of migration in Visegrad School and Germany” (VSPS Migration Program) is designed to influence and shape the public debate on migration in Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. During 4 sessions, the program takes 20 young leaders to 4 cities in 3 countries, where they will attend workshops, discussions and meetings covering different aspects of migration.

The VSPS Migration Program is a full-scholarship initiative, covering workshops, materials, certificates, accommodation, meals, flights to and from Strasbourg and partially covering other travel expenses.

November 2016 - June 2017

More Information & Application at:

Dates of the sessions

  1. 3 – 6 November 2016, Warsaw (Poland)
  2. 7 – 9 November 2016, Strasbourg (France)
  3. 13 – 15 January 2017, Cracow (Poland)
  4. 23 – 25 June 2017, Berlin (Germany)


  • Origins and history of the migration crisis
  • Political and social developments in the MENA region
  • World Forum for Democracy: Democracy and equality – does education matter?
  • Perceptions of migration in V4 and Germany


6 Oleandrow St. 00-629 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: +48 22 378 11 98

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